The Metropolitan Catholic Chorale (MCC) is dedicated to singing the Catholic Church’s treasury of sacred music—Gregorian chant and sacred polyphony—in the context of the sacred liturgy in the New York metropolitan region, and to helping others discover, understand, and love the Church’s sacred music. In keeping with the purpose of sacred music, our aim is to glorify God and sanctify and edify those who hear us.
What is the MCC?
The MCC is a mixed choral ensemble under the direction of Maura Goodwin, having been founded in 2017 by Jennifer Donelson-Nowicka. Members of the auditioned ensemble are singers from around the metropolitan New York region who want to sing Gregorian chant and sacred polyphonic works, developing both their skills as choral singers as well as their understanding of the Church’s teachings on sacred music.
Rather than singing the Church’s sacred music in concert settings, our aim is to learn how better to pray at the Church’s sacred liturgy through singing its sacred music. To do this, we pursue musical excellence in tandem with a deeper understanding of the theological content, historical context, and liturgical meaning of the texts and music that we sing.
How often and where does the MCC rehearse and sing?
We rehearse on pre-selected Tuesdays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. throughout the academic year. Each semester, we accept two invitations from parishes in the metropolitan area to sing a solemn Mass. The Masses are arranged according to the schedules of both the host parish and the singers of the MCC. Masses are usually on a weekday evening so that music directors do not have scheduling conflicts with their weekend responsibilities.
What sort of outreach does the MCC do?
We strive to help other people encounter Christ through beautiful sacred music and the graces that flow from the Church’s sacred liturgy.
Especially for parishes with limited financial resources, the MCC desires to serve as a resource to help parishioners better understand the Church’s teachings on sacred music. The singing, talks, and workshops of the MCC can also serve as a catalyst for growth in a larger program of development of a parish’s sacred music program, educating members of the choir, and inspiring ideas for the advancement of a program.
What is the MCC’s repertoire?
We focus mostly on Gregorian chant and Renaissance polyphony (masses and motets), but we also sing choral works of excellence from all eras, including works by living composers, as well as chant in the vernacular (Spanish and English) and excellent hymnody. The MCC also places special emphasis on singing classical choral music from the great cathedrals of Latin America.
How do I join the MCC?
Auditions for the fall 2022 semester are available. See the auditions page on this website for more information and to sign up for an audition.
Music directors, students, and anyone with choral singing experience and an interest in our mission are encouraged to audition. There is no fee to join the ensemble.
How do I find out more information or invite the MCC to my parish?
More information is available here. There is no fee for hosting the MCC in your parish.